Boxes - 30+
For a lot of my items not on this list (especially buyables, freebies, etc.) I'd be willing to do 2:1's, just ask c: I think most of my accounts have boxes available?
'cept the fog, that's just here to keep count
Note: mostly reserving the Cloak for a future big wish, but feel free to share your TL if you're interested in it!
And of course, I can't thank you enough to all of the amazing friends and strangers that have sent me gifts (FOG!) over the years ;u; I'll never forget your kindness!
In occasional use, so might be a little bit picky, but still feel free to offer ^_^ (won't do 2:1 for these)
Always seeking GBCs!
Rolling Fog Count: 38
.. wouldn't mind more fogs either :')
Stuff with slightly higher preference than the casual wishes, but still not really in a hurry to trade for. Most likely happy to offer GBCs for these if I have them available!
Current Token Wishlist:
Halloween Xweetok
Stuff I'd like for alternate customizations and stuff, but not in a hurry as much to trade for these as the priority above c:
This list is empty.Eventually might trade for these, but not high priority at all at the moment (replacement, waiting for rerelease, etc.)