talky_toon's items

Neomail superchriddy superchriddy's lookup

Items talky_toon owns

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1.1: UFT

Hiya! Welcome to my trade list! :D


I'm more than happy to trade customs/ GBCs/ cookies/ or whatever for stuff I'm after most of the time..... Just ask! :) I buy a lot of NC so chances are good I have Future fashions access most months! Also feel free to mail me on potential future pre-trades.... Like for big / popular holiday events or when RR caps come out.
I can accept GBC's and custom for most things in my regular trade lists, and maybe some things in my highlights...Just ask!
I use ~/Owls and sometimes ~/Waka for values.
My time zone is the same as Neopets (NST).... But I am however.... Nocturnal!
Which means I'm mostly active in the evenings and late at night... Usually anywhere from 6pm- 6am. That's the best time to reach me, and don't worry I log on every day! So I will hopefully try to respond to any mail as soon as I can.

Feel free to drop me a message sometime about trades! I don't bite. :)

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1.2: The Gooooood Stuff! ;)

This list is my

New Items/ Highlights/ Pops/ and HTPW

Not really interested in GBCs for most things here unless stated otherwise on the boards. BUT... depending on the item... I MIGHT be swayed for taking GBC's. Mainly clothing/ handheld items as I have no use for most of them. Thanks for understanding :)

Items labeled 99: Is HTPW But please do not be intimidated by that! They're not un-tradeable by any means! :) I will gladly part with them for my high/ medium/ and pop-HTF wishes.

If something is labeled 999 However... Then it is VERY HTPW. I will be much pickier with what I trade it for.

Items Labeled 55: Means I'm either unsure of its current Waka value or I personally don't agree with it. They're slightly hard to part with.

Any other number just means I have a duplicate. So I'm much more inclined to trade them :)

Everything else unlabeled is just cool looking/ popular, and I'm not really attached to them.

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1.3) UFT

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Items talky_toon wants

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00: Pending and Pre-Trades

items I want that are currently in limbo regarding trades

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2) Regular wishes

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5.5: Casual.... expensive Pretties/ Pops

Stuff that would be nice someday. In no rush at all to get these... But by all means if you have anything, drop me a mail! :)

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9.5) Dupes are nice!

Items I already have but could use another of.. or to use as trade fodder.

Will always accept these

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