Riokri's items

Neomail Terigrowl Terigrowl's lookup

Items Riokri owns

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0. Hello! Would you care to trade?

Hey, I'm Mav. I hope you find something you like.
My closet and any items I won't trade are set to private so everything you see should be open to offers.

I'm online daily and try to reply to every neomail, but if the 'Last Updated:" date below is more than two months behind, I'm probably not active. Sorry!

Mail is currently Open.

✨ Retired GBC & Non-wearable TL ✨

= Jump to my Wishlist! =

Last updated: 3/2025

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1. NC for Trade - Hard to Part With

Items I like. I'd prefer to save these for items on my Top Priority and General wishlists. If something catches your eye though, you're welcome to ask about it.

'88' = extra picky; may value higher.
'555' = on a side account and might require a GBC.

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2. NC for Trade - General

Willing to trade for any mix of WL, Dyepots, GBCs, RR Caps, Pink Bags, and Cookies.

'555' are on a side account and might require a GBC.

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3. NC for Trade - 2:1

All items here are 2:1 for WL, GBCs, RR Caps, etc.
1:1 for dyepots, cookies, etc.

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Pending Trade

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Items Riokri wants

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1. NC Wishlist - Top Priority

Items I am actively seeking for customizations.
Willing to trade Customs (if offering) and HTPW for this list.

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4. NC Wishlist - Dreams & Filler

Items I love but sadly have no current uses for.
Unlikely to trade for these at the moment, but willing to consider as filler for larger trades containing wishlist items.

21 = Seen in 2:1 sales, for my own reference.

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4. Styles!

Currently offering my TL for Styles I need as well.

Wanted (by priority):
- Adoring Valentine Draik
- Adoring Valentine Kougra
- Halloween Xweetok
- Faerie Techo
- Alien Aisha
- Maraquan Ixi

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Trade Pending

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