cybun's items

Neomail magickrystal32 magickrystal32's lookup

Items cybun owns

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these might be UFT (HTPW)

Items cybun wants

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AHHH trade me these NOW wishlist

I'd like these pretty soon, because either I have an urge or are very important parts of a custom.

99 = WANT NOW PLEASE | 21 = I'd like from a 2:1 | 77 = BUYABLE

any quantity other than these are for me to know, don't worry about them! also, if there are no items here it means I'm not focusing on a custom atm.

this is a high priority list! offers are almost always welcome unless I have no boxes to trade with.

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The Someday List

wishlist (NP only)

currently a bit too poor rn for these LOL ;_; headphones incorrectly tagged as NC on DTI

99 means a huge priority!!!

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