lilyyyy's items

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Items lilyyyy owns

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UFT - Non-wearables

View my non-wearable UFT list here:

I have a lot of old goodie bags, cupcakes, GBCs, etc.
Some higher-valued items are below:

7th Birthday Cake Slice #1 (x2)
Autumn Leaf Gift Box Mystery Capsule
Pink Swirly Gift Box Mystery Capsule

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These items are generally harder to part with - aka they are currently in use or may be used in the future.

You are free to offer on these. Just a warning though - I may be quite reluctant to trade some of these away!

55 = on a side (with possibly limited boxes)

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Z Hidden Closet

Most of this is NOT UFT, but I’m opening this up for now for tokens! However, I may reject a lot of offers. Thanks for understanding!

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Items lilyyyy wants

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1. Wishes - Priority

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2. Wishes - Medium Priority

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3. Wishes - Casual

I think they look pretty

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