willowfae's items

Neomail clotting clotting's lookup

Items willowfae owns

show hide


Numbers indicate quantity. I do not have a 'hidden closet' or a 'HTPW list'. If it's here, it is up for trade.

Values means the item falls somewhere in that range, not necessarily that they ARE that range.

Currently cannot offer gbcs.
I am always seeking gbcs and Faerie Quest/Lab Cookies.

This list is empty.

**2:1 gbc sale**

Everything here for 1 gbc or 1 fqc/lab cookie.

This list is empty.

1 gbc

This list is empty.


This list is empty.

5 gbc

This list is empty.

7 gbc

This list is empty.

8 gbc

This list is empty.

Unknown value

Items in this list either have no values listed on ~Owls or I've been too lazy to look up their values to sort them appropriately.

This list is empty.

Items willowfae wants

show hide

4 - Low priority

Just items I'd like for future customs but don't have the pet/am not focusing on currently.

Not actively seeking these at the moment but may be interested in as filler.

This list is empty.

6 - Not in a custom

Pretty, shiny things.
Things I would like to own but have no plans for at the moment, so these are very low priority. I may reject your perfectly reasonable offer if I have higher priority items I'm seeking and limited things to trade with.

This list is empty.
Dress to Impress
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