willowfae's items

Neomail clotting clotting's lookup

Items willowfae owns

show hide


Numbers indicate quantity. I do not have a hidden closet or a HTPW list. If it's here, it is up for trade.
Items are listed under their gbc value according to /~OWLS.

Currently can offer gbcs.
I only have BFGBCS at this time.

Tokens Seeking:
Adoring Lupe

Tokens UFT:
Grey Gelert
Alien Aisha
Darigan Grarrl
Mutant Xweetok

This list is empty.

1 gbc

This list is empty.


This list is empty.

5 gbc

This list is empty.

6 gbc

7 gbc

This list is empty.

8 gbc

This list is empty.

Unknown value

Items in this list either have no values listed on ~Owls or I've been too lazy to look up their values to sort them appropriately.

This list is empty.

Items willowfae wants

show hide

1 - Dreams

Just a list of impossible items I would love to have one day.

Ignore the numbers in these sections, they're for my reference only.

This list is empty.

4 - Low priority

Just items I'd like for future customs but don't have the pet/am not focusing on currently.

Not actively seeking these at the moment but may be interested in as filler.

This list is empty.

For my daughter

My daughter's wishlist. My items are all UFT for anything on this list.

This list is empty.

For my husband

These are all items my husband wants, and I am willing to trade my items for them.

This list is empty.