engstrom1234's items

Neomail engstrom1234 engstrom1234's lookup

Items engstrom1234 owns

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A) 2:1 GBC, Upcycle, or Retired Mystery Capsule; 1:1 FQC, Dyepot, Lab Ray Cookie

Neomail is always open for trades

Currently interested in Anniversary Retired Dyeworks Mystery Capsule 2024. I value them as 1 GBC while in the mall

999 = are buyables so that I know what to Upcycle

This list is empty.

B) ~1GBC / 2:1 BFGBC

Neomail is always open for trades

Non-wearables UFT: https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/engstrom1234/286121/

This list is empty.

F) Gram Items

I have the following grams:

Love Sucks Sweetheart Gram x1

Ethereal Mutant Gram x2

I have added the items that are in them below so that it's easier to see them when comparing lists

This list is empty.

Items engstrom1234 wants

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