Ryoko_68's items

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Items Ryoko_68 owns

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* Ryoko_68 *

Uš¯—‰š¯–½š¯–ŗš¯—¨š¯–¾š¯–½: February 15, 2025

Current Goal: Dipping my plushie collection toes into the NC world without drowning in gallery upgrade costs.

I value items based on a mixture of capsule cost, OWLS, seeking/trading ratios, and
personal value, but I am always willing to negotiate! I try to reply to every request.

I have these NC items UFT:
-Faerie Quest Fortune Cookie
-Training Fortune Cookie
-Sleepless Spyder Mutant Gram

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Pending trades

Items in the process of being traded will be held in the pending zone for 3 days. Then it's time I mosey on.

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UFT 3:1 Sale

These are really just collecting dust for me, so please take what you want!
3 items = 1 Upcycle Cookie or any wishlist item of the same value as 1 gbc
2 items = 1 dyepot

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Items Ryoko_68 wants

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Actively Seeking

Final items for Montezuma2 and Skiffblade's customizations.

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Pending WL Trades

Wishlist items I'm in the process of trading for.

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