yuna_rikku6's items

Neomail yuna_rikku6 yuna_rikku6's lookup

Items yuna_rikku6 owns

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Hello and welcome to my smol closet ^^ Please feel free to NM me if you see something you're interested in :)

I will do my best to respond in a timely manner and keep the lists updated as often as I can. I usually check every morning and sometimes in the evening (EST). Please only neomail if you are genuine about the trade, or at least message back if you are no longer interested in the trade. I'm pretty patient and can wait a couple days since I know people's lives can be hectic or the person is actively trading for an item, but it does feel a bit rude when I respond to a trade nm, only to be ghosted indefinitely.

If you are in the 2020 DTI and would like to see quantity numbers, here is the link to the classic DTI:

Or vice versa, and you prefer the 2020 over the classic:

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00. Non-DTI Items

A list of non-DTI items that I have available for trade. Will be more picky with Styling Supplies as more pet colors become available.

x7 Tons of Trinkets Mystery Capsule
x3 Weekend Sales 2025 Mega Gram (No LE)
x1 SSS

Nostalgic Plushie Wocky

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001a. Highlights

Items that are either new, popular/pricy, or things I deem cute :3

I'm planning on saving these for WL trades, though willing to see other offers :) Numbers indicate quantity.

Not accepting customs or GBCs for these, unless stated or offered

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005. UFT - Foreground Items & Filters

Willing to trade for BFGBCs/GBCs, currently released capsules, or WL items.

Numbers indicate quantity. Will go by listed OWLs prices.

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008. UFT - Wings

Items yuna_rikku6 wants

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01. Main WL - yuna_rikku6

Things I'm looking for a few of my pets on my main

77 = priority

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02. Side Account WL

Items to be sent to side accounts

77 = priority

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03. Casual/Low Priority

Not actively seeking and no active customs for these yet, but would like to get for a custom in the future

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04. For My Gallery

NC and NP items I'm looking for my gallery - not in a rush to get these. Lower value NC items/buyables I would prefer to get in a 2:1 will be marked 21. Willing to try and match OWLs for all other higher values.

Currently seeking Illusen-themed items :>

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