13ee's items

Neomail bonemachine_ bonemachine_'s lookup

Items 13ee owns

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π™ƒπ’Š, 𝙄'𝙒 π˜½π’†π™š.

β—€ ◁ β—€ ◁ 𝙽𝙿 πš†π™» 🟊 π™³π™Έπš‚π™²: 𝟷𝟹𝚎𝚎 β–· β–Ά β–· β–Ά

All wearables I love

π˜π‘‘π˜¦π‘š π‘žπ˜Άπ‘Žπ˜―π‘‘π˜ͺ𝑑π˜ͺπ‘’π˜΄ π˜³π‘’π˜§π‘™π˜¦π‘π˜΅ π˜΅β„Žπ˜¦ π˜§π‘œπ˜­π‘™π˜°π‘€π˜ͺπ‘›π˜¨:
[π˜ˆπ‘π˜€π‘‘ #'𝑠][π˜“π‘Žπ˜΄π‘‘ π‘ π˜­π‘œπ˜΅(𝘴) = π‘žπ˜Άπ‘Žπ˜―π‘‘π˜ͺπ‘‘π˜Ί π˜’π‘£π˜’π‘–π˜­π‘Žπ˜£π‘™π˜¦]

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β™œ π™²π™»π™Ύπš‚π™΄πšƒ

Please read:
The items on this list are in my closet, and are considered personal favorites that I do not want to trade. However, every so often these items are needed to obtain harder to find items, and thus, they are visible. If you have a high priority wish, I may be willing to trade from here.

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β™ž 𝙾𝙽

This list is empty.

β™Ÿ π™±πš„πšˆπ™°π™±π™»π™΄πš‚ & π™»π™Ύπš†-πš…π™°π™»πš„π™΄

𝟹:𝟷 𝙱𝙡𝙢𝙱𝙲/𝟸:𝟷 πš„π™Ώπ™²πšˆπ™²π™»π™΄ or 𝙢𝙱𝙲/𝟷:𝟷 π™΅πš€π™²

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Items 13ee wants

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β™” πšπ™΄πš€πš„π™Έπšπ™΄π™³ (π™·π™Έπ™Άπ™·π™΄πš‚πšƒ π™Ώπšπ™Έπ™Ύπšπ™Έπšƒπšˆ)

β™• π™³π™΄πš‚π™Έπšπ™΄π™³ (π™Όπ™΄π™³π™Έπš„π™Ό π™Ώπšπ™Έπ™Ύπšπ™Έπšƒπšˆ)

β™– 𝙿𝙱 (𝙷𝙸𝙢𝙷 π™Ώπšπ™Έπ™Ύπšπ™Έπšƒπšˆ)

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β™˜ πš‚π™Ώπ™°πšπ™΄πš‚ (π™»π™Ύπš† π™Ώπšπ™Έπ™Ύπšπ™Έπšƒπšˆ)