Emily_0809's items

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Items Emily_0809 owns

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Up For Trade

You are welcome to NM me on emily_0809. I am on a UK timezone and I am online daily! I usually will have custom available for wishes. Anything marked 99 is in a pending trade

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Items Emily_0809 wants

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A. Priority Wishlist

Anything marked 99 is in a pending trade Anything marked 21 I value low (due to seeking and offering ratios) and I will probably only go for them in a 2:1 sale or something equivalent from my list

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B. Generic stuff I want (low/casual)

I like all of these things but as they're expensive I'm waiting for re-releases or item to item trades (or its items I am casually seeking)

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C. Stupid dreams

Everybody needs aspirations. Mine are just stupid.

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