Hey! Feel free to neomail me offers, I'm friendly :)
777 = On side account. 555 = Pending trade. 21 = Seen in a 2:1.
Currently very interested in upcycle cookies/dyepots/maybe other custom for my Highlights/Normal Tradelist so let me know
I also have a couple tokens UFT!; 1. Plushie Wocky 2. Darigan Lenny
Thanks for reading, take it easy! :)
Some of these may be "expensive"/rare, others are not. These are just the items I think are the prettiest/most interesting from my collection that are relatively ETPW for fair offers. I mostly look at DTI ratios to determine "fair"! :)
777 = On side account. 555 = Pending trade. Other numbers = amount owned.
Duplicates and things my pets won't use. Most of my pets are NCUCs or...a giant black Kadoatie. The only clothing I'm usually interested in outside of a specific custom idea is baby stuff for my side account! Maybe Maraquan things again if they ever make it so you don't have to pay for the privilege of sending items you've already purchased to your OWN accounts....
Feel free to send me your TL to browse for any of these items, my pets literally can't use most of these so I'm happy to trade them for things they can (I love BGs, FGs, filters, light effects, glows, basically everything compatible with NCUCs).
777 = On side account 555 = Pending trade
Only trading for high priority wishes
Probably just banking on some kind of re-release/dyeworks to get these.
For some reason, I keep accidentally yeeting this list. Anyway, I just put neopoint items here I think are neat, so I do not forget they exist. I don't really have any plans for them, just would maybe like to eventually get to muck around with.