ilovepuppydogs_v48's items

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Items ilovepuppydogs_v48 owns

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[00] hello!

all public lists and items here are uft!
i'm open to gbcs for most items, except those in my highlights / htpw
feel free to nm me if you're interested in trading c:

uft tokens {for wishes & swaps}:
✗ nostalgic robot cybunny
✗ nostalgic baby aisha

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[03] contacts, markings, bio effects, etc.

Items ilovepuppydogs_v48 wants

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[01] high priority wishes

things i currently need for customs ♥

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[02] maybe one day

fingers crossed, hoping for rereleases!

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[04] duplicates

things i wouldn't mind having multiples of

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Dress to Impress
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