if you see this list on a neoboard or if i gave it to you privately from a discord/reddit post then please refer to what i'm asking for there!! if you are cold neomailing, this is more for you
the reason some of my lists here are very specific and may come off as gatekeepy is because i know exactly how it feels like to have a well thought out, polite fair/over offer be turned down and 1) i absolutely hate doing the same 2) i don't want to waste your time/effort. so if i turn a decent offer down - please know its probably not you, it's me!! i love trading with people!!!
that being said, if it's visible it's UFT for the right offer.* please don't be afraid to ask for something especially if you're a complete newbie who can only offer customs. we all had to start somewhere!
with the exception of most closet/vhtpw/htpw items, i value with owls.
i LOVE DW caps/items and prioritise these!
customs seeking unless stated otherwise (as of march 16th, 2025):
bf/gbc: yes!! in dire need // fqc: yes, always // dyepots: no // upcycle: yes
mystery caps: no, unless DW // dsss: yes // other customs: probably not, but you can ask!
i do have hidden closet(s) so please send me your WL if you don't see anything you like :)
if youre confused and/or this looks like a word salad, please just feel free to drop me a NM - i will reply all of them. just be polite and patient is all i ask - i log on everyday (unless i'm super busy with work). i can only say no if it's not for me :)
PLEASE send me a foal in box if you can't NM me - i always forget to clear my inbox x.x
x treat people with kindness ♡
*except for this one singing meepit trio. thanks bun :)
This list is empty.if this is visible it means i am looking for a pop or something htpw
i am very specific about this list, this is only a part of my hidden closet (yes i have even more that i am even pickier about lol) because i really, really hate having to turn down fair + polite offers due to my pickiness - i know exactly what it feels like to be rejected for an offer that matches a WL's request and i don't want to waste your effort/time!
this is for wlist 1, 2, 8 and some items on 7. will still value with owls unless indicated. might take the customs listed below
customs (as of march 16th, 2025):
dsss, bf/gbcs
items on wlist 7 i am very likely to trade for (as of march 16th, 2025):
dw white: graveyard fog, dw white: dark rolling clouds
i am still likely to reject very fair offers, even over offers, even if sometimes it matches what i'm asking for here - tl;dr it's me hi i'm the problem it's me, i am that annoying person!!!! sorry!!!
11 = likely to take customs but will be on higher end of owls value
66 = very hard to part with
99 = using or might use in the future therefore am hoarding
i will trade for anything in the priority/actively seeking section (especially if they're HTF) but please feel free to offer anything in my custom seeking list above* if you dont have anything im after. numbers indicate quantity
*nothing here is htpw
looking for anything in my wishes, please feel free to offer anything in my custom seeking list above if you dont have anything im after. numbers indicate quantity
happy to trade with anything here and/or to trade for/top up with customs. might be willing to over offer for certain things - happy to negotiate!!
**within OWLs, and still at my discretion
This list is empty.can offer from lists 1-2 - might trade from my hidden closet as well (if visible)
This list is empty.mainly for my reference... but NM me if it's a reasonable price. i look at JN/TP values!
unsure if i really want it! (maybe for my own benefit...)
this problem extends to every area of my life and will be the death of me.........
if its here its probably a pop/vhtpw so i don't anticipate getting many offers for these.
66 = very likely to auto accept. if my uhtpw/closet list is visible and the item is listed there, this is probably a yes
99 = not as likely to auto accept, but i love the item so please still ask
items i am very likely to trade for (as of march 16th, 2025):
dw white: graveyard fog, dw white: dark rolling clouds, radiant glow
a girl can dream... but if its here its possibly on the backburner for a custom
mainly for my own reference but might accept as filler.. lowest priority