sjdhsdius2's items

Neomail sjdhsdius2 sjdhsdius2's lookup

Items sjdhsdius2 owns

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1. Welcome!

I don't have much to offer but am always happy to try to work something out. I will never get offended because you neomailed other people for the same item ^^

Items will usually come from my main (sjdhsdius2) but may come from one of my sides.

I'm usually open to gbcs or cookies for my lesser valued items, feel free to ask! I'm also open to including stuff in a sale if you see a few items not in the sale section but feel they should be.

Hope you have a lovely day! <3

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2. Non-wearables UFT

x1 NC Mall 4th Birthday White Goodie Bag
x1 Neopets 24th Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag
x1 2023 retired MME
x1 Featured Game Ticket

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3. Neohome UFT

Virtupets Map Screen
Krawk Island Krawk Cannon
Krawk Island Fence

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Sale 3:1

You can pick 3 of these in exchange for 1 gbc, cap, cookie, or 1 cap item

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Items sjdhsdius2 wants

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1. Main WL

Items I want asap! I am usually looking to trade for items, however I can trade gbcs/bfgbc in certain cases.

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5. Really want but too expensive for now lol

Will most likely wait on these unless I get a really good deal. You're welcome to offer!

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