updated: mar 4
neomails always open. i'm online daily so if i don't reply right away, i'll definitely get back to you within 12-24 hrs. please be patient :) please don't send me a nm if you're not willing to wait for a response!
if i don't respond to you, neomail glitched. feel free to send me another nm if that's the case.
thanks for stopping by!!
some are htpw because i'm using them, and others i just really love. so these are generally uft for high/medium priority wishes only or as filler for those wishes!
i would prefer to trade these for higher value wishes or multiple lower value ones :)
88 = on hold
uft for items, GBCs, RR caps, maybe archive cookies--feel free to offer!
88 = on hold
88 = on hold, all other numbers are quantity :)
uft for items, GBCs, rr caps, maybe archive cookies--please feel free to offer!
2:1 for GBCs, RR caps, or archive cookies, 1:1 for dyepots or faerie quest cookies!
needed for a custom <3 if you have these up for trade pls neomail me to work something out! i can offer my tl or customs for most of the lower value wishes :)
21 = hoping to find in a 2:1 sale!
some of these i need for a custom but i don't need asap, others are just really pretty and i think i’d like them for a future custom!
21 = looking to find these in a 2:1 sale!
[holds up a potato] i just think they're neat!
21 = hoping to find in a 2:1 sale!