deletriis's items

Neomail deletriis deletriis's lookup

Items deletriis owns

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Up for Trade

Nothing is hard to part with, since this is my tradelist and not my closet. I check neomails daily. If I don't respond, please send another neomail. I always answer all neomails regarding trades unless I accidently miss it.

Mostly looking for items from my want list at this time. But I am willing to look at tradelists if you don't have anything on there.

Also have these tokens UFT:

Nostalgic Darigan Kacheek

Nostalgic Grey Aisha

Nostalgic Grey Draik

I use owls for pricing, please keep this in mind when you make an offer. DSS is auto for any of the tokens I have UFT, but I am more than happy to accept other things. Thank you for taking the time to read this!

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Items deletriis wants

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Looking for

Offering Tradelist or Customs!

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