Hi! Feel free to neomail me if you see anything on here that you're looking for.
I try to answer neomails but I'm admittedly kind of spotty with it because I get overwhelmed easily. Sorry!
Any numbers represent quantities and are for my reference.
Everything visible is up for trade. My closet and anything truly hard to part with are hidden.
Last updated: January 18, 2025.
Number = quantity. Will trade these 2:1 for GBC/FQC/Archive cookies/wishes/etc
Some of my nicer things.
These are mainly reserved for items on my priority wishlist,
but I might trade them for items of equal value on my casual wishlist as well.
These items are either popular or range from 3-5 OWLs.
Currently looking for wishlist items and cookies (FQC/Archive/Upcycle).
These items are relatively common or are easy for me to part with.
I'll take GBCs or whatever for them, I'm not really picky with these items.
I am actively seeking anything on this list. Will offer from any of my lists, and/or can offer D/SSS.
These are things I want to have in my closet and want to use at some point.