starlight9913baby's items

Neomail starlight9913baby starlight9913baby's lookup

Items starlight9913baby owns

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1. yippee

(:3 」∠)

triple numbers = internal use, still up for trade!
111 = using in customs
333 = trading for high prio only
444 = pending trade 24hrs
555 = HTPW, looking for my med/high prio items for these

any other number = quantity

will also offer cookies, current mystery caps, gbcs, custom, etc

also UFT:
- 25th Brilliant Birthday Mystery Capsule x2 (side acc)
- Anniversary Retired Dyeworks Mystery Capsule 2024 x5
- 25th Anniversary Aisha Black Friday Gift Box Mystery Capsule x6
- Weekend Sales 2025 Mega Gram x3
- Unique Species Valentine Gram x2

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3. UFT Dyeworks

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5. UFT

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Items starlight9913baby wants

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Window Shopping

just stuff i like that i'm not currently seeking/bookmarking items/etc. probably won't trade for these without having them moved up into other categories first, but feel free to ask!

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