usernamesin2017's items

Neomail usernamesin2017 usernamesin2017's lookup

Items usernamesin2017 owns

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Please neomail me with any offers, I am open to GBC's, upcycle cookies, and RR caps if there is nothing on my wishlist that you have.

Numbers is quantity, nothing else!

This list is empty.


Items that I'm not currently using, but like more than the ones in my main list.

This list is empty.

3. UFT 2:1/3:1 for GBC/BFGBC and 1:1 for Dye Pots

Everything here is 2:1 for GBC and 3:1 for BFGBC and 1:1 for Dye Pots

This list is empty.

Items usernamesin2017 wants

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3. Low Priority

These are items that are nice to have, or for customs that I havent got the pets to match just yet.

This list is empty.