briannaisacat's items

Neomail briannaisacat briannaisacat's lookup

Items briannaisacat owns

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{ currently in closet / vhtpw }

i tend to use these in customs often but for the right offer, i can be swayed

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{ dyeworks }

All of these items are dyeworks items

I mostly go by OWLS, but some items are more HTPW than others

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1-2 gbcs

OWLs worth 1-2 caps

Disclaimer: I may value them higher than OWLs but not very likely

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5-7 gbcs

OWLs worth 5-7 caps

Disclaimer: I may value them higher than OWLs but not very likely

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8+ gbcs

OWLs worth 8+ caps

Disclaimer: I may value them higher than OWLs but not very likely

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Items briannaisacat wants

show hide

{ currently iso }

would love to have pretty please c:

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{ future customs }

{ would love extras of }

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