squirenonny's items

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Items squirenonny owns

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1-2 Caps

Running low on boxes! Only trading for GBCs at the moment unless you're offering a priority wish or a really good deal on other WL items

Currently offering GBCs/custom for Priority Wishes only.

NM me at squirenonny if you want to make a trade. I'm on frequently, so I'll most likely respond within a day. If I've reached out to you, I'll hold any items I've offered for at least a week while waiting for your response unless I stated differently in my message to you.

I'm generally willing to take a look at TL if you don't have anything from my wishes and can't offer GBCs.

99 = Pending trade.

All other numbers are quantities

Items mainly priced at Owls value, though HTPW items may be placed higher based on my personal value for them.

This list is empty.

2-3 Caps

99 = Pending trade.

All other numbers are quantities

Items mainly priced at Owls value, though HTPW items may be placed higher based on my personal value for them.

This list is empty.


Two items of your choice for 1 GBC/1 WL item valued at 1-2 caps OR 1 item for 1 Faerie Quest Fortune Cookie/1 Hue Brew Potion

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Items squirenonny wants

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Medium Priority Wishes

Items that I want/have a custom in mind for, but that I'm not in a huge rush to get. Slightly prioritizing GBCs at the moment, but I'll consider offers. Not offering GBCs/custom, sorry.

99 = Pending trade

This list is empty.

Priority WL

Items I'm actively seeking. I may be willing to offer GBCs or custom on these, and will definitely consider item-for-item trades.

99 = Pending trade

This list is empty.
Dress to Impress
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