soleilium's items

Neomail soleilium soleilium's lookup

Items soleilium owns

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⋆ Info ⋆

Numbers are for quantity. My closet is hidden, so everything listed is UFT.

Please shoot me a neomail for offers! I'm online often, but if I don't respond within 24 hours please mail me again!
SIDE NOTE: If your subject line says "Wanna Trade?" I have to assume you are a bot and will ignore any mail that includes it.

Available UC Style Tokens:
x1 Mutant Aisha
x1 Faerie Kyrii

This list is empty.

03. Foregrounds & Trinkets

This list is empty.

04. Backgrounds

This list is empty.

05. Clothing & Accessories

This list is empty.

06. Dyeworks

This list is empty.

Items soleilium wants

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