Thanks for stopping by. I'm usually seeking my priority WL as I'm impulsive and want to follow through with a custom idea before tackling the next thing.
I do have a soft spot for fall items, gothic items, and daisies.
I don't have a designated 2:1 spot, but I might be willing to consider 2:1 GBC especially for items I have duplicates on to reduce clutter that are in the 1-2 OWL range. Numbers on my lists show quantities of the items.
I currently have 1 Jelly Chomby available for trade.
Please feel free to NM with any questions/trades. My inbox is always open. May the odds be ever in your favor! ;)
This list is empty.Here are dyeworks items UFT.
Different items to add some pizazz for your pet.
Nicer things for trade. Harder to part with, but not impossible. Hoping to use for higher value/priority trades.
Here’s an assortment of MME and MiniMME items.
Little friends/companions for your pets.
Here are the random NC items that I haven't put into categories yet.
This list is empty.Here is a random assortment of Premium Collectibles.
I like collecting daisies and pumpkins for my gallery.
These are NP items I hope to acquire someday.
These are items that I want for customs that I’ll get around to eventually.