amandied's items

Neomail amandied amandied's lookup

Items amandied owns

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00. Hello!

My closet is hidden, nothing you see here should be HTPW. This also means if you don't see anything you want, please message me your WL!

Numbers represent quantity available.

I use OWLS and seeking:offering ratios to establish values. I can add custom to make-up for any values mismatch.

Style Tokens Available for Trade
-Darigan Poogle
-Prismatic Brush x 2

Mystery and GBC Capsules Available for Trade
-Blossoming Witch Fall Mystery Capsule x 1
-Happy and Haunted Halloween Mystery Capsule x 3
-Retired Fall-ing Cherry Blossoms Mystery Capsule x 1
-Retired Haunted Halloween Haul Mystery Capsule x 3
-Retired Plushie Mystery Capsule x 2
-So Matcha Green Mystery Capsule x 11

This list is empty.

01. Backgrounds

This list is empty.

02. Clothing/Costumes/Shoes/Wings

This list is empty.

05. Foregrounds/Frames/Garlands/Trinkets

This list is empty.

06. Handhelds

This list is empty.

07. Headwear/Hats/Wigs/Glasses

This list is empty.

09. NP Items

This is more for my personal reference but feel free to neomail if you're interested in purchasing.

This list is empty.

Items amandied wants

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