My closet is hidden, nothing you see here should be HTPW. This also means if you don't see anything you want, please message me your WL!
Numbers represent quantity available.
I use OWLS and seeking:offering ratios to establish values. I can add custom to make-up for any values mismatch.
Style Tokens Available for Trade
-Darigan Poogle
-Prismatic Brush x 2
Mystery and GBC Capsules Available for Trade
-Blossoming Witch Fall Mystery Capsule x 1
-Happy and Haunted Halloween Mystery Capsule x 3
-Retired Fall-ing Cherry Blossoms Mystery Capsule x 1
-Retired Haunted Halloween Haul Mystery Capsule x 3
-Retired Plushie Mystery Capsule x 2
-So Matcha Green Mystery Capsule x 11