eternovostra's items

Neomail eternovostra eternovostra's lookup

Items eternovostra owns

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neomail me with trade interest—I'm online frequently!
eastern time zone <3 last updated: Jan 3rd

I can also offer:
- bfgbc
- special effects II mini mystery cap x3
- blossoming witch fall mystery cap x1
- lab ray cookies
- faerie quest cookies
- dsss
- custom

also iso:
- nostalgic gelert token

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uft - 2:1

1 bfgbc = 2 items off this list ~or~
1 wishlist item (valued 1-2 owls) = 2 items off this list ~or~
as an add-on or sweetener for a trade (where we're trading another core item swap, and something in this list serves as a bonus)

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uft - high(er) value

I don't necessarily value these aligned with their owl value; very much taking into consideration the offering/seeking ratio (as well as how much I want what you have to offer). However, for organizational purposes things here are valued at more than 3 owls.

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uft - standard

valued between 1-3 owls

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Items eternovostra wants

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low priority

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