neodrachos's items

Neomail jackallantern jackallantern's lookup

Items neodrachos owns

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1. trade- worth more than 2 caps

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Stuff to trade

Tokens and capsules visible in my gallery!

Listed on DTI as 1-2 or no price listed

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Items neodrachos wants

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1. Priority Wishes

Id like to trade for these before other items please! These arent the only items im trading for though!

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Can Buy

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Cannot buy or trade for

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paint brushes

Toy- furbyrocious Toy- new gnorbu Stealthy- Disstemper Relic- Bahamut Candy- pterisauria Water- Rayleone Robot- Liger Stealthy- elephante Gold- vash Steampunk- vash (clothes) Lost desert- enrageousth (clothes2) Stealthy- grarrgoyle (clothes2) Transparent- zimecterin?

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