neologiststudent's items

Neomail neologiststudent neologiststudent's lookup

Items neologiststudent owns

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An Information Section

I do not spam messages for items, if I sent you a neomail I do it in good faith that a trade can be made between us by reviewing your requirements and items.

If I messaged you for a trade and you do not see an item on my TL that would suffice I can trade Cookies or current NC mall GBC as well, just let me know. I am open to counter-offers always, let's make it work. (:

If I messaged you a trade, but you're viewing our compared items and don't see that item on my WL then I am no longer seeking it. I do wait ~24-48 hours before messaging others for items. I apologize for any inconvenience.

(Marked 999 means specifically offered in a current item for item trade, awaiting confirmation that trade will go through.)

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Items neologiststudent wants

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