neko's items

Neomail sareko sareko's lookup

Items neko owns

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0. Highlights

Last updated: 24th March 2025

I respond to all Neomail offers.
If you do not hear back within 24 hours, I probably never received it. :( Please feel free to try again!

Items marked 88 mean they are on a side account.
Numbers otherwise indicate quantity.

Please Neomail if you're interested in working out a trade. :)

Non-wearables UFT

Capsules/Cake/Goodie Bags:

Value guide for non-wearables:

This list is empty.

1. Items on Sareko (Regular TL)

Boxes: 12

This list is empty.

2. Items on 21

Boxes: 2

This list is empty.

3. Items on Mem

Boxes: 0

This list is empty.

Items neko wants

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NC Wishlist - 1st Priority

NC Wishlist - 2nd Priority

NC Wishlist - Gallery

Also seeking my non-wearable gallery wishlist
(Halloween goodie bags):

This list is empty.