ponyfields's items

Neomail Ponyfields Ponyfields's lookup

Items ponyfields owns

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0 - Notes

Boxes: 20

I am on UK time, if you're not there might be a long gap between when you message me and I reply.

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0.2 - Backgrounds!

With the new RR caps though it was worth creating a list just of BGs - various values, some are harder to part with than others.

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2 Sort of HTPW

Like, they're in my closet but will I ever use them?

I can be convinced to part with these but I will be ambivalent about it.

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Things I am not likely to use or have multiples of

Will usually go by OWL values

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4 Sale UFT!

You can have 1 item per box you provide me with.

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Items ponyfields wants

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1 - Priority Wishlist

4 - Dupes and Pops

Just a list of things I don't want for my own pets, but am pretty confident I can trade for items I do want.

Can be offered as filler for costly trades, as an over offer for my nicer items, or will accept for multiple items on my UFT/Sale TL (I don't know why you would do that, but the option is there XD)

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Dress to Impress
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