kaesa's items

Neomail kaesa_aurelia kaesa_aurelia's lookup

Items kaesa owns

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1. Non-Wearables

Currently I have:

5 x dyepots

1 x End of the Rainblug GBMC

2 x So Mini Baby Colours MC

10 x Cool Cacti Green MC

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2. Buyables UFT 2:1 GBC

These are permanently buyable in the NC mall so if you want you can just... go buy them with cash. But I'm also willing to trade for other permanently buyable things, trade 2:1, use them as small filler for bigger trades, etc.

Some of my UFT items are seasonally buyable and I might be willing to discount them if they're currently buyable while we're trading, but I don't want to have to move everything around as things come and go in the NC mall.

If you see something in another list that's permanently buyable (I bought a lot of this stuff ages ago when NC was new) let me know where/how and I'll decide whether I want to move it here or just keep it.

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3. UFT 2:1 GBC

Same as the list above, but these are not, as far as I'm aware, directly buyable from the NC Mall. They are likely either easily obtainable some other way, or a lot of people have them but not a lot of people want them.

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4. UFT for Whatever

Well, not whatever. But I'm less likely to be picky here and if something "high value" is on this list I'm more likely to trade it for something I actively want that's a little lower value, or to trade for something that's not on my wishlists at all.

If you don't know what to offer me, I tend to like wings, Neovian/Moltaran/late 19th/early 20th century stuff, and spacey stuff. I don't currently have any Mutant/Maraquan/Baby pets so I probably won't take those trades.

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5. UFT for Wanted

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6. UFT Might Trade

I'm likely to be willing to trade these for something that's a high priority on my wishlists. Some of these are also on the list above because I have duplicates I'd be more willing to let go.

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Items kaesa wants

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3. Wanted

Usually for a specific custom, but not one I've prioritized.

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