cherry199111's items

Neomail cherry199111 cherry199111's lookup

Items cherry199111 owns

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1. Note & Token

Kinda new to NC Trading Feel free to NM me for trades! C:

FQC x 5

Nostalgic Plushie Wocky
Nostalgic Plushie Krawk

Spooky Halloween Eyrie
Spooky Halloween Bori
Spooky Halloween Xweetok

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Items cherry199111 wants

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1. Note~

The numbers represent the Caps no. that I'm willing to pay :)

Without no. = 1

21 = 2 : 1 If you can do a 2:1, (which means you have 2 or more items that I want)
I can actually add 1 Dye for ya ;-)

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