artzyzero's items

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Items artzyzero owns

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1.Non-Wearables UFT

If anything listed is worth less that the category I've put it in please offer what it's currently valued at. I update the listing when I notice mistakes!

Here are non-wearables I've got UFT.

Faerie Quest Fortune Cookie
Lukewarm Left-Over Pizza
Money Tree Cupcake

Nostalgic Darigan Uni x2
Nostalgic Baby Zafara x1

GBC's/Mystery Capsules
Retired Wonderclaw Mystery Capsule
Retired Trinkets Mystery Capsule
Retired Fall-ing Cherry Blossoms Mystery Capsule x6
25th Anniversary Aisha Black Friday Gift Box Mystery Capsule x2 (BFGBC)

Cakes/Goodie Bags
Halloween Barbat Goodie Bag
Purple Festive Balloons Goodie Bag
Holiday Bells Goodie Bag
7th Birthday Cake Slice #1
7th Birthday Cake Slice #2
7th Birthday Cake Slice #3
13th Birthday Midsummer Cupcake
13th Birthday Diamond Cupcake
13th Birthday Whimsical Cupcake
15th Birthday Bath Day Cake
15th Unhappy Birthday Cake
Neopets 23rd Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag
16th Birthday Karaoke Cake
16th Clowning Around Birthday Cake
16th Wonderland Birthday Cake
Neopets 24th Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag
Romantic Roses Valentine Goodie Bag

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NC Items 1-3 GBC's (Trading)

Only interested in trading in full/part for items I'm actively seeking or GBC's.

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NC Items 4-6 GPC's (Trading)

Only interested in trading in full/part for items I'm actively seeking.

This list is empty.

NC Items 7+ GBC's (Trading)

Only interested in trading in full/part for items I'm actively seeking.

This list is empty.

Side Accounts

NC items I have on my side accounts. I don't always have gift boxes readily available for these, so a GBC may be needed as part of any trades. Following the last GBC sale, I have some boxes on sides.

Guide on quantities: First number represents the account its on (mostly for my reference) and the second number is the actual quantity. For example 31 = means third side account, only 1 of the item.
Account Order: zipzapwizz(2), fizzy_pop123(3), sparkleglint104(4), artzyzero(5)

13th Birthday Whimsical Cupcake (Zipzapwizz)
Retired Wonderclaw Mystery Capsule (Zipzapwizz)
Neopets 23rd Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag (Zipzapwizz)
Expressions Mystery Capsule x2 (Zipzapwizz)
Tyrannia Bone Bed x2 (fizzy_pop123)
13th Birthday Midsummer Cupcake (fizzy_pop123)
13th Birthday Diamond Cupcake (fizzy_pop123)
13th Birthday Whimsical Cupcake (fizzy_pop123)
Neopets 23rd Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag (fizzy_pop123)
Expressions Mystery Capsule x2 (fizzy_pop123)
Nostalgic Darigan Uni (fizzy_pop123)
Tyrannia Bone Bed (sparkleglint104)
7th Birthday Cake Slice #1 (sparkleglint104)
13th Birthday Whimsical Cupcake (sparkleglint104)
Neopets 23rd Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag (sparkleglint104)
Summer Sunshine Gift Box (sparkleglint104)
Cirrus Showers Gift Box Mystery Capsule (sparkleglint104)
Retired Fall-ing Cherry Blossoms Mystery Capsule (sparkleglint104)
Neopets 23rd Birthday Celebration Goodie Bag (artzyzero)
16th Clowning Around Birthday Cake (artzyzero)

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Items artzyzero wants

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NC Items (?) GBC (Seeking)

Items that don't currently have a GBC value on Owls, that I'm seeking. Happy to discuss offers! Open to customs for more valuable items, please NM to discuss!

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NC Items 1-3 GBC's (Seeking)

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NC Items 7+ GBC (Seeking)