ravencat's items

Neomail ima_catluvr ima_catluvr's lookup

Items ravencat owns

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0. Highlights

Feel free to NM me at any time!

I've been a bit on and off on neo, sorry if I'm slow to respond to any mails.

I have some hidden WLs so if you see something you want but you have nothing in my WL
please feel free to inquire and I can check your list.

This list is mainly items that are either higher in value on OWLs or popular (I think).
some I just think are nice

99 - may be a bit htpw, apologies if I turn down a fair offer!

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Some are less HTPW than others!

mainly seeking higher priority wishes for these

99 - VHTPW

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2. General UFT

Not picky with these, can trade for WL stuff, BF/GBCs, cookies/caps or casual trades!

number represents quantity

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3. Buyables

Can do a 2:1 for most of these, just not those with a 33.

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Items ravencat wants

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1. Higher Priority

mainly seeking these.

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2. Casual Wishes

I do want these items, but I am not desperate for them. Priorities vary

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