simbologies's items

Neomail simbologies simbologies's lookup

Items simbologies owns

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0. Welcome!

Timezone: NST +5

Welcome to my TL! Feel free to contact me in regards of trades. I always respond to mails within one or two days at most - please mail again if you haven't gotten a response, chances are I didn't get your first mail.

I'm always up for casual trades too, so if you see something you like feel free to hit me up with your TL even if you don't have any listed wishes!

There are some items that I would like at lease one of my wishes included, but don't worry, those are few and I'll let you know if the item you're contacting me about is one of those!

Ps.: I have a hidden closet I may be able to offer from for certain wishes - if you have one of my priority wishes and don't see something that peaks your interest, please feel free to show me your WL.

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2. Closeted (but may trade)

Some random stuff I have plans for but might trade away for a specific wish.

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5. Misc Tradelist

Numbers are for my own reference :)

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6. Sale

2:1 sale!

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Items simbologies wants

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0. Needed for customs (SUPER HIGH PRIORITY)

I need these to finish customs, they are ultra priority. I often can add BFGBCs and DSSS for some of the items, or show me your wishes - I can offer from my hidden closet as well.

No number: simbologies

22: simbollogies

33: _ gaby_fergie _

44: windoll

55: _dulce_maria_dyc

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