visergal's items

Neomail darkflame1516 darkflame1516's lookup

Items visergal owns

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A. wild Luna appears

Hi I'm Luna :)

I sometimes forget to answer mails, due to IRL distractions but also bad mental/physical health days. I do sincerely apologize for that. Never be afraid to re-mail though if you think I have forgotten or missed your mail. I don't bite, promise :D

Most list items I am up for negotiation on fair trades/differing values. I will be pickiest with the VHTPW section however.

Non-wearable TL:

This list is empty.

C. Regular UFT

Regular Items UFT

This list is empty.

D. 1 GBC Sale

Items UFT for 1 GBC. Also UFT for regular trades. MAY do 2:1 for BFGBC depending on items/quantity.

Esta lista está vazia.

E. 2:1 or 4:1 GBC Sale

Items UFT for 2:1 per GBC or 4:1 per BFGBC. Also UFT for regular trades.
Can mix and match with list "F. Buyables".

This list is empty.

F. Buyables

Current buyables UFT for 2:1 per GBC or 4:1 per BFGBC. Also UFT for regular trades.
Can mix and match with list "E. 2:1 or 4:1 GBC Sale".

This list is empty.

Side #2

This is from a side account. Will do buyables 2:1 GBC/4:1 BFGBC, everything else is actively UFT for fair value.

99 = Buyables

Non-wearables UFT: 8th Birthday Tied with a Bow Cupcake, 8th Birthday Rainbow Cupcake, 7th Birthday Cake Slice #2, 13th Birthday Diamond Cupcake, Snowman Goodie Bag, Peppermint Goodie Bag, Spooky Skull Goodie Bag

This list is empty.

Side #3

This is from a side account. Will do buyables 2:1 GBC/4:1 BFGBC, everything else is actively UFT for fair value.

99 = Buyables

Non-wearables UFT: 8th Birthday Rainbow Cupcake, 7th Birthday Cake Slice #2, Peppermint Goodie Bag, Snowman Goodie Bag, Spooky Skull Goodie Bag

This list is empty.

Side #4

This is from a side account. Will do buyables 2:1 GBC/4:1 BFGBC, everything else is actively UFT for fair value.

99 = Buyables

Non-wearables UFT: 8th Birthday Rainbow Cupcake, 8th Birthday Tied with a Bow Cupcake, 13th Birthday Diamond Cupcake, 7th Birthday Cake Slice #2, Snowman Goodie Bag, Spooky Skull Goodie Bag, Valentine Bow Goodie Bag, Peppermint Goodie Bag

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Reserved items from my sales/TLs/for pretrades. Am willing to reserve for a few days depending on the situation. Feel free to mail me to discuss.

MULTIPLES WILL BE LISTED SEPARATE. So if Item A is listed here AND on another TL, I have 2 of them and only 1 is reserved.

This list is empty.

(Not in a list)

There aren't any items here.

Items visergal wants

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1. Priority WL

These are wishes I'm actively seeking/most interested in.
Current Dyeworks Items are actively sought, but will not offer VHTPW for.

This list is empty.

1B. Priority WL for Pet Customs

Higher priority WL for items needed for current pets & customs.
Usually the most interested in these items at all times.
(For organization, number indicates a side account)

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2. Regular WL

Casually seeking, in no rush/priority/order.
Non-wearable TL:

This list is empty.

3. Low Priority WL

These are items that I'd be seeking good deals on (like 2:1/3:1/4:1 sales), or that would be extras of things I like/want, or for filler on larger trades. Basically things I like, but don't "need". :D

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5. Pending Trade

A trade is arranged/waiting to be completed for these items.

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