acwellen's items

Neomail acwellen acwellen's lookup

Items acwellen owns

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0. hi

welcome to my tradelist, i'm on neo a bit sporadically so i'm sorry if i don't respond to your mail promptly. if i don't answer within a day or two please try again, i may have not gotten your mail or deleted the notification and therefore all memory of receiving it from my mind 🙃

all numbers are for personal reference and do not reflect values, I use /~owls values informed by ratios

tokens uft: nostalgic darigan krawk, nostalgic faerie pteri☆, nostalgic grey peophin, nostalgic royalgirl kyrii☆♧

☆ = a bit pickier, prefer a trade involving wishes
♧ = value higher than 1 dsss

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1. highlights

seeking trades involving higher value/rarer priority wishes; open to casual wishes, d/sss, bfgbcs, and browsing tradelists for filler

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3. everything else (3:1 bfgbc)

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4. waiting on a reply

currently waiting to hear back about offers including these. feel free to offer but it may be a day or two before i have an answer for you.

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Items acwellen wants

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4. pretties i don't necessarily need but like

not actively seeking these unless they're on my other lists too but very much open to as filler

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5. waiting on a reply

currently waiting to hear back about these. i am actively seeking them and feel free to offer but it may be a day or two before i have an answer for you.

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