awkward_turtles's items

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Items awkward_turtles owns

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1) Here's how I organize!

What does '42' mean? (ITS THE MEANING OF LIFE-) Ahem, anything marked 42 means owls either has no recently listed price for it, or the item has been a part of some sort of re-release capsule recently and the price hasn't been updated to reflect the new changes. So, you'll need to ask directly on an owls board for the actual trading price. I looked them all up once, and by god I'm not gonna do it again.

(I also have a few retired gbc that I’m also willing to trade:

Sparkling Rainbow Gift Box Mystery Capsule

Cheerful Circles Gift Box Mystery Capsule

Linen & Lace Gift Box Mystery Capsule)

ALSO! Since I stocked up on bf gcb like my dad stocked up on midlife crisis cars, I'm mainly looking for wishes right now. You can offer, and I'm more likely to accept item/gbc trades, but just fyi!

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Highlights (worth 2 caps and up)

These are the UFT items that are worth at least two caps. If you don't have anything off my admittedly very small wishlist, you can show me your tl because casual trades are fun. But you know, no promises

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Kindness of strangers

None of the items are ever UFT, as they were all gifted to me by the random kind strangers of neopets.

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NC items UFT (worth 1-2 caps)

I'm pretty sure everything here is worth 1-2 caps, but dont freak if I miss one and have to decline an offer.

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The newest stuff goes here until I stop being too lazy to look it up on on owls and/or the price settles

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this is 2:1 or 3:1 or 4:1 depending on how many boxes your gbc gives me

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Items awkward_turtles wants

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Highest priority wishes

I’ll give my leg, I’ll give someone else’s arm I don’t care get me these freaking items (number denotes the owls price I’m looking to trade at)

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