xxxfenice_neraxxx's items

Neomail xxxfenice_neraxxx xxxfenice_neraxxx's lookup

Items xxxfenice_neraxxx owns

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2 - Regular UFT

Not trading these for gb caps

This list is empty.

3 - One cap sale

All items on this list are retired, if you spot a buyable that should be on my 2:1 list please let me know!

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4 - 2:1 cap sale

Buyables and small retired

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6 - Dyeworks uft

Not trading these for gb caps unless I offer, thank you

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UFT on Luaxana

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Items xxxfenice_neraxxx wants

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0 - Top priority

Items I need asap for my pets, actively seeking them. I am always more than happy to offer full value in gb caps for these =) My tradelist is not fully updated because I don't have the time to do it at the moment, sorry! Please if you have a specific wishlist for some of these items let me know, I might have what you're looking for =)

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1. More important than regular wishlist, not in a hurry though

2 - Wishlist

Just pretty stuff I like, not actively seeking them. Feel free to inquire, but please don't get offended if I reject your offer =)

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3 - Personal reminder

Not actively seeking. I don't have an outfit planned for these items so I'm probably not gonna trade for them unless they're fillers in a bigger trade or they're in a cap sale.

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