callmerain's items

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Items callmerain owns

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- Intro -

Note: Numbers throughout are not QTY but cap value I place on items to make trades easier to gauge.

I don't generally look for caps or customs. I'm looking for wishlist items only, unless otherwise stated in a thread on neo.

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A) Only UFT for "High Priority Wants" items

Additional Notes:
• Offers must contain at least one of my High Priority Items
• Protip: I'm more inclined to accept a discounted offer if it has more HV items from my list.

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C) Gram & Event Items UFT


Also have Non-Wearable items UFT:
• NC Customs for Grams, Capsules, and Fortune Cookies in the mall, etc.
• Retired Dyeworks Mystery Capsule 2023 x 2
• Retired capsules:

Note: Items UFT only for wish-list items. Not looking for any caps, customs, or other.

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Items callmerain wants

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