goalkeeper50's items

Neomail goalkeeper50 goalkeeper50's lookup

Items goalkeeper50 owns

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Actively Trading

Online daily, usually multiple times a day. Can also reach me on discord (#mathismagic) and reddit (u/math-is-magic)

These are items I have duplicates of or don't love, and the first things I'd like to trade. Basically, if you have something different of similar value, and I think it looks interesting, I'll probably accept the trade. I'm open to 2:1 requests on some of this stuff, if you ask.

I also have nonwearables!

  • Nostalgic Faerie Draik Token
  • Nostalgic Darigan Draik Token
  • Nostalgic Blue Bori Token
  • 9 x 25th Anniversary Aisha Black Friday Gift Box Mystery Capsule (Black Friday extra boxes version)
  • 5 x hue brew potion
  • 2 x Snowy Snowickle Winter Mystery Capsule
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Will Trade

This is stuff I'm willing to trade for other things I want, but still stuff I like having.

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Items goalkeeper50 wants

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High Priority Wishes

Stuff I have active plans for and would like to get soon.

Also Seeking Royal Girl Bori Token!

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Medium Wishes

I have some actual plans for these, but more passively. Also the neoquest stuff is for my gallery, so I'm open to more neoquest stuff as well.

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