kaszius's items

Neomail kaszius kaszius's lookup

Items kaszius owns

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0001. Notice!!

Trade list is updated monthly. I generally use ~Waka. Can do GBCs on all items or item for item for my wish list. I should be on mostly on the weekends! Thank you!!

I will trade items for items. Just NM and ask!!

Current NC for customs to trade for WL: always available :)

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0002. Gifts for Customizationns

These are NC items that I received for customization. Thank you cospachem! Also, if you gifted the Ruffled Grey Shrug, please NM me so I can give you credit too :)

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01. 2 for 1 GBC

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02. UFT trade for one dyepot

New Dyeworks or NC that I think is worth a dyepot!

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02b. UFT for 2 dyepots

NC I think is worth 2 dyepots

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02d. UFT for 2 archive cookies

NC that think is worth 2 archive cookies.

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03b. UFT for 2 GBCs

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03c. UFT for 3 GBCs

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03d. UFT for 4 GBCs

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03e.Higher Value NCs that are UFT

Numbers represent GBCs value not quality. I will trade NCs, Custom, and GBCs for this section. NCs I am seeking are my wishes only though.

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Items kaszius wants

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01. Big Ticket NC Items

NC items that I have GBCs to trade for. Also can do customs

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03. Dyeworks that I would like to own!

Had so many I wanted, it deserved its own list :) Again, numbers represent values on Waka.

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04. Seeking Team Shenkuu Merchandise

Looking for alot of these wishes in a 2 for 1 GBC sale. Number 50 is a reminder to myself to buy when the backgrounds go on sale for 50% in the NC Mall - ie they're buyable so I'm not wasting a box for them. :)

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06. The Random NC List

Things that I think would work nice in some customizations. Will trade GBCs or a custom or an NC item for.

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07. The NP Items I like

Things to hunt down and purchase. Or save up and purchase list

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08. Customization for vain_gloriousness

Here are the NCs that I need for customization for my cybunny accounts of vain_gloriousness

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09. Customization for Xiaxius

Xiaxius is my original account that I made in 2001 when I was a freshman in college. Yes, I'm an old neopian.

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