age_of_aqua's items

Neomail age_of_aqua age_of_aqua's lookup

Items age_of_aqua owns

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"A Note"

Welcome to my TL. It's a bit humble but you never know. We may have the perfect match.

If you can see the items here they are all UFT (unless I traded it and forgot to take it off my TL).

If an item says "21" on a side it means 2:1 for a GBC. Anything 2:1 on sides I will also do a 3:1 or 4:1 for BFGBC. Depending on box counts I can mix and match between accounts.

Also, don't be afraid to Neomail me! It may take me a day or two to respond so all I ask is for your patience!

This list is empty.

1. Dyeworks

This list is empty.

2. Tradelist

This list is empty.

3. Sales

Deals Section:
2:1 for a GBC
3:1 for a BFGBC

This list is empty.

4.4 Side- kay_oh

Side Sales: If an item says "21" on a side it means 2:1 for a GBC. Anything 2:1 on sides I will also do a 3:1 or 4:1 for BFGBC. Depending on box counts I can mix and match between accounts.

Nostalgic Faerie Tonu
Nostalgic Grey Draik

This list is empty.

Items age_of_aqua wants

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