abacaxi's items

Neomail g_elena__uu_g g_elena__uu_g's lookup

Items abacaxi owns

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online everyday. last update: may 2023

number of gbcs i currently have: 12

if the number of gbcs is low, then i'm probably more open to gbc offers

some items I will only trade for wishes, didn't specify which ones bc i'm too lazy, but you can always try talking to me and see

there's a closet list that i keep on private bc i can't see any reason to leave it open if i'm not willing to trade it. therefore, everything you're seeing here is up for trade

i'm trying to keep this list organized. i know it's not great but hey, i'm doing my best ;p

UPDATE: focusing on my wishes right now, sorry

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bg items and foregrounds

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Items abacaxi wants

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!!! high priority (needing RIGHT NOW)

please gimme

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. wanted needed

also needing for customs

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Dress to Impress
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