amythiiel's items

Neomail amythiiel amythiiel's lookup

Items amythiiel owns

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00 Notes 00

Welcome to my DTI lists!

My neomail is glitchy! It is never full, so ignore that error if you see it.
Non-wearables/JN List is here:

I keep this trade list up mostly in case they release NC pirate related items so I can get them for my gallery
Currently seeking all the pirate/swashbucker tokens
(please see my JN list for updated list of ones I'm still after)

This list is empty.

11. UFT (P)

This list is empty.

12. UFT

This list is empty.

13. UFT - Other

This list is empty.

14. Altador Cup Team Items

This list is empty.

15. Dyeworks (P)

This list is empty.

16. Dyeworks

This list is empty.

Items amythiiel wants

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00 Notes

22 = I have a pending trade for the item

Sorry my list is small, I've achieved most of my wishes =)
My main priority is trading for my gallery wishes as and when they release NC pirate related items.
(so looking for the newly released pirate tokens)

This list is empty.

01 Pirate Gallery Wishes

Nostalgic Pirate Grundo
Nostalgic Pirate Quiggle
Nostalgic Pirate Yurble

This list is empty.

02 Pretties

03 Fillers

Deluxe Styling Studio Supplies
Styling Studio Supplies

This list is empty.