komayto's items

Neomail winner19955 winner19955's lookup

Items komayto owns

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* online daily, neomail always open

Neomail is always open! I don't mind casual trades.
I'm online daily but I also do things called working and sleeping so please give me time to respond if you mail.

If you don't respond in 24hrs, I will assume you have lost interest and move on. It's ok to let me know you changed your mind. I prefer that over straight up ghosting esp after I have accepted your offer :l
*** If you repeatedly ghost after I have accepted your offer, I will delete and ignore any future nc trade inquiries from you.

Numbers represent quantity.

I have more things in closet if you have something I really really want, just show me your WL and I will see what I am willing to part with!

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non-wearable nc things

7th Birthday Cake Slice #2 (value 1)
7th Birthday Cake Slice #3 (value 2)
8th Birthday Sparkler Cupcake x2 (value 6 & htpw)
8th Birthday Rainbow Cupcake x4 (value 1)
Velveteen Valentine Sweetheart Gram
Brilliant Ombre Sweetheart Gram
25th Brilliant Birthday Mystery Capsule (boxless side)
Special Effects II Mini Mystery Capsule x2

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nostalgic tokens uft

patapult custom plays / i play patapult for you (for unactivated patapuffs only) pt. 1

Not interested in anything else I am very picky with these and do not agree with owls values for items that have not been re-released.

UPDATE: I made a patapult guide @ ~Byroh

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pickier with these

prefer item trades for these

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uft for cookies etc. general tradelist (not picky)

general TL, not super picky with this section
lowest owls value subtract 1 = how I value most of these. if 0, can be 2:1.

mostly seeking training cookies

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Items komayto wants

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420 = highest || 69 = mid-high || 21 = 2:1 only

my htpw is supposed to be hidden when this list is empty

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for fun (low priority)

not actively seeking and I don't neeeeed them
marked with personal values taking rerelease and ratios into consideration (no number = 1)

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low priority 2

im aware these are buyable. i just don't wanna buy them.

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tnt please rerelease these in a nc mall sale

begging (not actively seeking/trading for these)
I still want AoTR but not trading for it at 20+ value :l

DYEWORKS OF Food-Eating Monster Horns IN black PLEASE XOXO

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