gamergrrl's items

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Items gamergrrl owns

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Active Trading Intro

Welcome to my page, fellow NC trader!
I'm Robin, it's nice to meet you. :)

Last Updated On: 21 March, 2025
My time zone: EST (NST + 3)

Please contact my main account LADYROBIN with any trade offers.
I am on Neopets daily. If I haven't responded within 3 days please neomail me again, it likely means I missed your mail message or that neomail glitched and I didn't receive the offer.

Please feel free to neomail me if you're interested in any of my UFT items.
My T1 Tradeable Closet items are UFT for wishes only.
For everything else, I may also take Dyepots, Gift Box Capsules, Upcycle Cookies and Faerie Quest Fortune Cookies depending on the item and my available boxes.
Even if you don't have anything on my Wish List, feel free to send me your UFT list to look through. I don't bite :) and the worst that can happen is I say NTY.

About Cap Values: I reference Owls for a baseline of suggested values, but I'm flexible and open to discuss. If the last value update was over a year ago, I don't consider the value current anymore. This is especially true if it's been re-released since it was last valued. My personal value is based mostly on DTI's Offering/Seeking ratio (how hard it is to find).

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I hope to trade with you soon, and good luck trading! :)

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T1 Tradeable Closet on GamerGrrl

These are NC items my pets have outfits planned with, and they still wear and like.
They are hard to part with, but they are up for trade for the right item(s).
I prefer trading these for my wishes only, and I may be picky about what I will accept.

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T1 Tradeable Closet on LadyRobin

These are NC items my pets have outfits planned with, and they still wear and like.
They are hard to part with, but they are up for trade for the right item(s).
I prefer trading these for my wishes only, and I may be picky about what I will accept.

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T2 Casual Trades on GamerGrrl

These are the NC items my pets still occasionally wear, but I'm looking to trade for something that will look better and/or that they will wear more.

Accepting item:item or regular GBC's (granting 2 boxes) casual trades.
Might be able to do 1 cap items x2 for a Black Friday GBC (granting 4 boxes).

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T2 Casual Trades on LadyRobin

These are the NC items my pets still occasionally wear, but I'm looking to trade for something that will look better and/or that they will wear more.

Accepting item:item or regular GBC's (granting 2 boxes) casual trades.
Might be able to do 1 cap items x2 for a Black Friday GBC (granting 4 boxes).

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T3 Upcycle Fodder on LadyRobin

This is small extras I have that will get upcycled when I get the time and a cookie.

If we're doing a casual trade and you would like an item from this list, just ask - as long as I have an extra gift box, I'd be happy to gift it as part of our trade.
I can only do this on my main account though. Sorry, but my side account doesn't have many boxes.

If you are trading me a GBC, you can have as many items from this list as it gives me boxes!
Regular GBC's give 2 boxes minimum and Black Friday GBC's give 4 boxes minimum.

IMPORTANT! If I do not have enough boxes, I will have to accept your GBC first so I have enough boxes to send the items to you. Thanks in advance for understanding! :)

Number = Quantity I have available

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Items gamergrrl wants

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1 High Priority on GamerGrrl

These are priority NC wishes, as I have a outfit/theme planned around them for my pets.

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1 High Priority on LadyRobin

These are priority NC wishes, as I have a outfit/theme planned around them for my pets.

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2 Casual Trades on GamerGrrl

3 Low Priority on GamerGrrl

These are NC items that caught my eye and I would like to have someday.
Because I don't have a custom planned with them, these are low priority wants.
As long as I have a few extra boxes, I would be happy to trade for them if I received an offer.
I may decline a fair offer if my boxes are really low.

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3 Low Priority on LadyRobin

These are NC items that caught my eye and I would like to have someday.
Because I don't have a custom planned with them, these are low priority wants.
As long as I have a few extra boxes, I would be happy to trade for them if I received an offer.
I may decline a fair offer if my boxes are really low.

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