skeith's items

Neomail neowhitefoxx neowhitefoxx's lookup

Items skeith owns

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NM me at neowhitefoxx or send a message/ask to @skeith on tumblr to discuss trades.

I am new to trading so please be patient with me. :'D
I'm very open to trading cookies/GBC for any of my WL items, but I do prefer item trades overall.
Please feel free to NM me!

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2:1 for GBC or NC Archives Cookie

Also willing to trade 2+:1 for WL items, depending on item.

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Looking to trade for WL items, NC Archives Cookies, or GBCs.
Item trades highly preferred.
Going by ~Owls for value.

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Items I'm not actively trading.
May part with for the right offer, but I'm mostly likely to say no. You can still ask though.

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Items skeith wants

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