I use Owls as reference! Numbers = quantity. Willing to also trade anything here for any re-release capsules in the mall, SSS/DSSS/PSSS, Fortune Cookies (Faerie/Lab/Archive/Upcycle favored) or Shenanigifts packs. Will also trade stock of what I have below.
Training Cookies: 5
Upcycle Cookies: 3
Usuki Doll Mystery Capsule: 10
Faeries Hope Mystery Capsule: 5
Mostly trading these for things I actively want, mainly in high priority. Will also accept DSSS/PSSS/SSS, seasonal packs (ie Haunted Mansion, Stocking Stufftacular), or NC mall caps, depending!
Numbers = quantity.
Will trade 2 of anything here for 1 GBC/Upcycle Cookie/Archive Cookie/Shenanigifts Invite, or 1 for a Lab Ray Cookie/Faerie Quest Cookie/DPot/Pink Paper Bag.
Items I'm looking for to complete outfits that I am actively working on, or newer releases that I can't currently buy but want and would trade for.
This list is empty.Items I either really like but probably won't be permanent fixtures, or items that I might use for a planned outfit but I haven't completely decided on, but still wouldn't mind looking for.
Will trade stuff in my lists for these tokens:
Nostalgic Plushie Hissi
Nostalgic Faerie Ogrin
May also be willing to trade anything in my tradelists casually for SSS/DSSS.
Will always be looking for Lab Ray Cookies and Shenanigifts packs, and potentially any seasonal tickets (ie Haunted Mansion, Stocking).
Things that I wouldn't mind having but I don't think I'll ever fully use, or are too expensive for me to reasonably obtain.
Not actively looking for any of these right now. Just things I want to eventually add to my cafe gallery whenever I decide to focus on adding to it.