elenoosh's items

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Items elenoosh owns

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00. Non-wearable UFT List

Training Fortune Cookie
Faerie Quest Fortune Cookie
Beaming Baby Retired Mystery Capsule
Prismatic Tinsel: Festive Christmas Skeith
Festive Christmas Skeith
Nostalgic Baby Moehog
Nostalgic Baby Nimmo
Nostalgic Baby Skeith x2
Nostalgic Baby Xweetok
Nostalgic Faerie Xweetok
Nostalgic Grey Moehog
Nostalgic Grey Skeith
Nostalgic Plushie Moehog
Nostalgic Plushie Nimmo
Nostalgic Royalgirl Cybunny
Nostalgic Usukigirl Usul
Nostalgic Usukiboy Usul
Spooky Halloween Xweetok
Adoring Valentine Draik

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2:1 Trade List (elenoosh)

All items in this list are up for trade 1:1 FQC/Lab cookie or 2:1 GBC or 3:1 Archive Cookie or BF GBC

This list is empty.

Regular Trade List (elenoosh)

All items are UFT for wishes, GBC or FQC.

This list is empty.

Regular Trade List (side: superlenka)

Low on boxes on this account so trades might include GBC, check with me first.

This list is empty.

Items elenoosh wants

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Priority pooofypoo for Christmas


This list is empty.

The only items i'm currently seeking

  • Lab Ray Fortune Cookies
  • dyepots
    Nostalgic Faerie Skeith
    Nostalgic Robot Tuskaninny
    Spooky Halloween Lutari
    Prismatic Cocoa: Festive Christmas Skeith
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(Not in a list)

There aren't any items here.